Thursday, 19 June 2014

A little bit of...friendship! (Part 1) By Aliyo-yo

Hey. Aliyo-yo here! So if you haven't noticed, which would be kid of alarming if you haven't... This post is about friendship. I know. It sounds like something a six year old would do, but it's not really cheesy, because we're basically defining our friends' faults. That's pretty actually doesn't sound friendly at all. Let's reset. Hey citizens of earth! Today we are reviewing friendship! I'm going to review three types of friends, and you can see if you're like any of them. If you are, comment which one you are. Or don't. Yeah. Whatever. So, as I probably wasn't saying, by first friend type is...(dramatic silence)

The like seriously really really truly queen of dramatictown at it's dramaticest times one!!!
Ok, these are the type of people that have conversations with you like this:
You:What's up?
Them: Oh, my, GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does everyone keep on asking me what's up? Like honestly I'm fine you're just making everything worse!!!


You:You're being annoying
Them: Seriously, like, since I've met you you've just been bullying me and you hate me and everyone hates me and I might as well just just not ever talk to you again because you wouldn't care because obviously you hate me hater!

And you're just kinda like: Um yeah no. But they just keep on going on and on and on about how much you hate them and you've always been a bad friend to them. And after a minute of two, you just start either getting upset with them or yourselves. But I wouldn't blame them to be honest, because there are people that are really sensitive, and they probably don't know that they're being over-dramatic. Plus, a lot of these people are actually really nice.And it's like...imagine you have an apple. And inside the apple there are 2 million and one seeds. (It wants to become president! It is a very ambitious apple :-) ) And you give the like seriously really really truly queen of dramatictown in its dramaticest times one, a million seeds, and yourself a million and one seeds, and they tell you that you only care about yourself and you've never cared about your friends and that you hate the world. To be honest, she'll probably tell you that the world hates you as well, which may or may not be true (I'm joking about that, please don't be offended.). Ok, I don't they'll say that, but...wait. This sounds A LOT like me. I'm not even joking. I only just noticed. Haha. I'm actually really dramatic. Well this is kind of awkward. So, I don't exactly know if I'm getting my point across, but they can be irritating IF they're not generally a nice person either. But depending if the person is nice, you can get over this easily. Everyone I know who is like this (not many) are really nice. So having a friend like this, I rate 6 and 1/2 or 7, but it varies depending on how nice in general the person is.

Soooooooo...friend number dos! (That's two in French. Oh yeah. I know MULTIPLE LANGUAGES. I'm one of THOSE.) So, second friend is...

The impulsive lier one!!!
Well, we can't really say that we all don't lie, so I'm going to give an example of an impulsive lier, which is actually really impressive and intellectual. (I don't even know what intellectual means) So anyway... The example.
We are going to say that to cry is to lie. Now some people just cry now and then. But then SOME PEOPLE JUST CRY ON DEMAND EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!! You feel me...or nah? (Sorry, the pressure was too much. You mad...or nah? Sorry. I'm stopping now. In shame.) So anyway, the impulsive lier one just lies whenever and about whatever. And it's really confusing, and annoying (sometimes), because most of the time, the impulsive lier one is REALLLLLLLLLYYYY bad at lying, and it's actually pretty sad. And as we all know, telling lies or spreading gossip can ruin friendship, which is obviously why society does it. But still, it messes up friendships. Examples of convo's with impulsive liers:
You:What are you doing?
Them:Oh I was singing...yeah...singing.
You:When have you ever sung before?


You:WHERE WERE YOU ON FRIDAY 13th AT 8:00???????

So, as you can see, this can cause friendship issues. The thing is though, even if you're friends with an  impulsive lier one, you can never really be close to them, because you never know if they're lying or not. So ratings. Um, 4 and 1/2 maybe. Yeah. Yeah. It depends if they lie to you or not, or just to like specific people,

Last but not least. I hope.

The Generally Actually Crazy One
I'm really biased, because all of my best friends are extremely crazy, and so am I. But crazy friends are really...something extraordinary! (I'm thinking of the song...anybody?) but crazy friends ARE really fun, as they're just generally crazy. Convo's:
Them: Did you know that I love banana's?


I talk from experience. So I love all my crazy friends, and you have such a great, lively time with them. 10!!!! (Aaaaaaaawwwww!)

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