Tuesday 24 June 2014

A little bit of...John Green!!!

Yaaaaaaaa oh yeah we are at the time that everyone has always been waiting for like forveeeeeeeer. IT'S ALIYO-YO REVIEWING TFIOS AND PAPER TOWNS!!!!!!!!!! (The book versions) ok. Just to let you know, I won't spoil the ending for you because...
1. I'm not a human spoiler alert.
2. This is the ONE book where everyone is just like 'OMG OMG OMG OMG DONT TELL ME THE ENDIIIIIIIIIIING!!!! So yeah.
3. I hate human spoiler alerts.
4. Just for them three people that know who they are (everyone else is probably really confused) Yo quiero marcha marcha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yea. I'm doing paper towns first. Because I'm doing best till last. You gotta admit. Everyone knows that tfios is better.

So anyway...

-Paper Towns!

Paper towns is an engaging novel told from the perspective if a boy called Quentin or 'Q'. Now Q's next door neighbour goes to the same school, but hasn't socialised with him since they both proved witness a dreadful scene at the age of ten. This is all momentarily changes when Margo (the neighbour) comes knocking at the window, requesting Q's help. Q helps her, but at what price?

Age range: I would rate this for readers aged 12-18, depending on their maturity level. I'd say the average age to read this would be 14.

Characters: The characters we meet are different from most as:
1. They are not fairy tale perfect characters: they swear, etc.
2. They are not going through a fairy tale love story. Not telling you why though!
3. They do normal things. Like, bath. I know that's a weird thing to put in a book review, but it's true.
Also, you somehow managed to become fully indulged in the character's life as they don't do what you want them to you and you're just like do it or I'll kill you in your sleep. Like that clown on the Instagram post that's really fake.

Rating: I love this book, but in some parts you can't really connect. 9/10!!!

The fault in our stars!!!! (Tfios)

I don't know where to start. Tfios is a tear invoking novel that leads you through the life of two cancer patients and their gripping, imperfect romance. Meet Hazel and Augustus, two teenagers that are far from perfection, but still manage to tell a beautiful, true to life romance, of which we can all relate to some aspects, despite not going through the situation ourselves. This story is narrated by Hazel Grace Lancaster, a cancer patient who appears to have nothing to work for in life, and sees herself as a threat to herself, and others around her. This is until Hazel meets Augustus at support group. As their love grows stronger, their life grows weaker. Will they survive?

Age range: Ok, apart from the occasional swear, it's actually of. I'd rate it 12 and up still though, because it requires a strong understanding.

Characters: The beauty of the characters in tfios is that they're so...normal. You can completely relate to Hazel and Gus and Isaac, which is rare in books. They're not sympathy-seekers, and they're hilarious. They're...just...human. But despite all of this, their amazing tale holds breathtaking moments that are more than hard to imagine. They have a love stronger than all others despite their weaknesses. They are truly inspirational characters who have made every teen acknowledge the effects of cancer and how truly anyone is eligible to have cancer.

Rating: I don't even know if I have to say this. It would be a crime to not say 10/10, and I would never even consider it. Like, damn, this is the best book...it deserves it's place at number 1. 1000000000000000000000000000000/10

Well that's all for today! Thank you for almost 500 views!!!

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