Hey, it's Hannie. But before we get started we also have a little extra help for you guys. So there's a youtuber called SuperWoman and she did an amazing vid on types of friends so we'll give a link! Anyway lets go...
Friend 3: The Stalker...Dun, Dun, Dunnnnnnn!
This friend literally hides under your table noting your every move, she's always on your side like actually right next to you acting like she's your other half! This is the girl I don't feel sorry for, she's really scaryyyyy! But how do you get rid of this monstrous beast...too far, yeah too far. Anyway how do you get rid of this annoying little...thing? Well you came to the right girl, just be straight with them. Say get the hell away from me! Ok, maybe that's a bit too mean. Just talk to them privately and say you want some space, it's not you it's me...this is sounding more like a break up now...eh I guess that's what it really is. But I'm sure they will back off after that but still might lurk around the corner in a dark alley way following you home. Erase that from your minds please, I'm sorry. And the last thing I need to say is...THIS IS THE ONLY WAY OF GETTING RID OF THEM! If you're too nice or too mean they'll get irritated, tell everyone and you'll lose everything. BEWARE OF THEM!
Friend 5: The Bragalott:
.Ok, there is ALWAYS a friend like this in your group, they will go to any lengths to tell you something they can do and you can't, and then you'll go up to your room and cry in your pillow because you're life isn't better than theirs...just me? Okkk...awkward. Carrying on, this friend brags 24/7 and can be any gender or age, which makes this situation even worse. The way to sort these out is to say to them 'Shut up! I don't care!' Which may seem a bit harsh but personally to me these are the worst. Luckily my closest friend who is a bragalott is only a minor one. But to those people who have the full stage, no turning back bragalotts...I'm so, so sorry. And I hope you have pre-ordered a full-time therapy session, too much? Ok, too much i'll keep that in mind next time.
Question of the day: Who's your worst type of friend?
And comment down below if we missed any types of friends out!
Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-h3RMSM-jg
See ya
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